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El Papa se hace bloguero

El Papa se hace bloguero Pasado ya de vueltas como está, Karol ha decidido, de aquí a su último día, compartir con los internautas sus más íntimos pensamientos. Para ello ha inaugurado The Pope Blog, es decir, ni más ni menos que la bitácora del Santo Padre, que se dice fácil...

Como está para pocos trotes, el anciano actualiza sólo los jueves. Eso sí, merece la pena. He aquí algunas de sus reflexiones:

"7 Oct 2004: Dude. The Vatican sucks. I was talking to Jesus the other day, wishing I had a way to keep a journal, but make it public so the other faithful can read it, and Sister Mary overheard me. She told me about this thing called a "blog". I totally thought she sneezed! Thank goodness I was having a minor seizure at the time and couldn't say anything. Anyway, we had to get all sorts of approval and shit but we finally got this thing working. Sister Mary is so smokin' hot".

"28 Oct 2004: I was sitting in mass, thanking Pimpmasta J.C. for the fact I can be Pope until I die. I can sleep and drool all over myself, even SHIT myself and people think it's okay, because I'm old. Suckers. Anywho, I was sitting there, zoning out and thinking about the World Series, which of course I didn't get to watch, because I had to help some stupid kid with AIDS. It's not MY fault their mom is a slut, now is it? ... As I was saying, I was kind of looking around, when I see this pink thing on the floor next to my foot. It was a piece of ham. HAM!"

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