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Recordando a la hembra bazooka

Recordando a la hembra bazooka kadhn

I've seen this cover image floating around on various space-age bachelor pad websites for years, it pretty much sums up the entire era of 50's girly magazines for me. Check out the torpedoes on those submarines! Hubba Hubba! 23 Skidoo! [insert classic shot of Tex Avery wolf here]

I've always wondered if the contents of the magazine could possibly be as cheesy as that cover. Now at Vintage Girlwatchers you can actually view each page, lovingly scanned (with the stains thoughtfully photoshopped out), and I must say that yes, it is every bit as cheesy as the cover.

There's also a vintage girlwatching book and several scans of glamour photography magazines. What a most excellent labour of lust!

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