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Matemática rasta

Matemática rasta Fascinante este link en donde se expone el estudio de la matemática Gloria Gilmer, encaminado (ojito) a establecer relaciones entre las tendencias en el peinado de la comunidad afroamericana y ciertos patrones matemáticos.

Peluquería y fractales unidos por el interés académico.

En palabras suyas: "The main objective of my work with black hair is to uncover the ethnomathematics of some hair braiders and at the same time answer the complex research question: "What can the hair braiding enterprise contribute to mathematics education and conversely what can mathematics education contribute to the hair braiding enterprise?" It is clear to me that this single practical activity, can by its nature, generate more mathematics than the application of a theory to a particular case."

Di que sí, Gloria. Adelante con ello...

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